our process

Surface area of our facilities

Property size


We wait for just the right moment to harvest our olives directly from the tree. There are two main methods of harvesting:

Manual:​ The most traditional way to harvest olives. Despite being the more costly process, it is carried out by either hand-picking (sliding the hand along the branch dislodging the fruit) or beating (shaking the branches with a stick). These methods are more fitting for olive groves that are difficult to access due to their layout or location on or near mountains.

The effort that this process takes is appreciated in the quality of our best oils and Premium products.

Mechanized: ​Modern harvesters normally have vibrating grippers and a net. The machine grips the trunk of the tree shaking it without damaging it – essentially vibrating the olives off the tree – which are then caught in the net.

Area of olive groves

Anual yield of olives


Olives collected per hour

Once the olives are collected they are taken to the ​discharge hopper​.

These hoppers empty their loads onto the conveyor belt that will take the olives to be cleaned of leaves and any debris.

At this stage a sample is taken from the batch to be analysed for its oil yield. Thanks to the benefits of technology we are able carry out scrupulous checks on these batches, know the quantity rendered and benefit from improved traceability of the process.


Daily yield

Annual yield of olive oil


  • 104.000 Kg 12 barrels
  • 100.000 Kg 25 barrels
  • 52.000 Kg 10 barrels
  • 50.000 Kg 24 barrels
  • 33.000 Kg 9 barrels
  • 32.000 Kg 4 barrels
  • 25.000 Kg 11 barrels

Store room capacity



Bottling capacity


Feel free to contact us should you require any information or have any questions about our company.

Privacy Policy

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Responsable de los datosUMM…TASTE SPAIN S.COOP. ESPECIAL. Finalidad de los datos: Utilizados para contactar contigo y envío de información solicitada. Almacenamiento de los datos: Los datos se almacenan, pero siempre tienes derecho a solicitar que se eliminen. Derechos: En cualquier momento puedes solicitar recuperar, eliminar o editar los datos. Encuentra toda la información detallada en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Production Department

C/ Cuesta de los Tejares, s/n

06427 – Monterrubio de la Serena (Badajoz)

Tel: 924 610 440


Monday – Friday

08:00h – 16:00h


Production Department

C/ Cuesta de los Tejares, s/n

06427 – Monterrubio de la Serena (Badajoz)


Monday – Friday

08:00h – 16:00h

Export Department

Tel. +34 722 870 007

Tel. +34 930 314 536

C/ Pirineus número 28

08303 – Mataró (BARCELONA)

south africa

South Africa Branch

Tel. +27 746 478594

Beaulieu Office Park 1 Stallion Road

Crowthorne 1684 JOHANNESBURG


United Kingdom

UK Branch

Tel. +44 (0) 7980 624 059

Maple Barn, 12 The Lodge, Rickmansworth Road, Harefield

Middlesex, UB9 6JY LONDON


Production Department

C/ Cuesta de los Tejares, s/n

06427 – Monterrubio de la Serena (Badajoz)


Monday – Friday

08:00h – 16:00h

Export Department

Tel. +34 722 870 007

Tel. +34 930 314 536

C/ Pirineus número 28

08303 – Mataró (BARCELONA)

United Kingdom

UK Branch

Tel. +44 (0) 7980 624 059

Maple Barn, 12 The Lodge, Rickmansworth Road, Harefield

Middlesex, UB9 6JY LONDON

south africa

South Africa Branch

Tel. +27 746 478594

Beaulieu Office Park 1 Stallion Road

Crowthorne 1684 JOHANNESBURG