

Situated in Monterrubio de La Serena, located in the east of Badajoz, UMM TASTE SPAIN S. COOP. SPECIAL is the result of more than 80 years of experience dedicated to cultivating olives.

Widely recognized by its EU-awarded Protected Designation of Origin and its ecological attributes, our Extra Virgin olive oil is a testament to a detailed work ethic and the best production processes. Today we are proud of our impact in the olive trade having 13 thousand hectares of centuries-old olive groves which produce an average of 28 million kg of olives which, in turn, yields over 6 million kg of quality olive oil.

In order to obtain our oil we use only the best and healthiest olives locally known as aceitunas de vuelo (olives picked directly from the tree), making sure to completely respect our ecological procedures by avoiding any use of chemical products or additives. The main varieties of olives available in this region are Cornezuelo and Picual which transmit a truly unique sensorial experience thanks to its fruity aroma and hints of freshly cut grass – a light and balanced taste for your palate.
Our ecological olive oils are characterized by their excellent quality, and their genuine, natural flavour. A staple of the Mediterranean diet, our oils are highly recommended to give a distinguished touch to even international cuisine.

Each year we carry out a thorough review of our factory controls and implementation of production procedures (traceability) which guarantees a high-quality product. In addition, we make sure to carry out regular inspections in our laboratory, where the results and observations are noted and we can accurately categorize each product.

As a Cooperative Society we ship all over the peninsula although our main revenue comes from exporting our oil worldwide.

We pride ourselves on being able to offer such a distinguished product and our commitment is to adapt to the unique needs of our valued customers, offering them the very best in personalized customer care.


Feel free to contact us should you require any information or have any questions about our company.

Privacy Policy

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Responsable de los datosUMM…TASTE SPAIN S.COOP. ESPECIAL. Finalidad de los datos: Utilizados para contactar contigo y envío de información solicitada. Almacenamiento de los datos: Los datos se almacenan, pero siempre tienes derecho a solicitar que se eliminen. Derechos: En cualquier momento puedes solicitar recuperar, eliminar o editar los datos. Encuentra toda la información detallada en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Production Department

C/ Cuesta de los Tejares, s/n

06427 – Monterrubio de la Serena (Badajoz)

Tel: 924 610 440


Monday – Friday

08:00h – 16:00h


Production Department

C/ Cuesta de los Tejares, s/n

06427 – Monterrubio de la Serena (Badajoz)


Monday – Friday

08:00h – 16:00h

Export Department

Tel. +34 722 870 007

Tel. +34 930 314 536

C/ Pirineus número 28

08303 – Mataró (BARCELONA)

south africa

South Africa Branch

Tel. +27 746 478594

Beaulieu Office Park 1 Stallion Road

Crowthorne 1684 JOHANNESBURG


United Kingdom

UK Branch

Tel. +44 (0) 7980 624 059

Maple Barn, 12 The Lodge, Rickmansworth Road, Harefield

Middlesex, UB9 6JY LONDON


Production Department

C/ Cuesta de los Tejares, s/n

06427 – Monterrubio de la Serena (Badajoz)


Monday – Friday

08:00h – 16:00h

Export Department

Tel. +34 722 870 007

Tel. +34 930 314 536

C/ Pirineus número 28

08303 – Mataró (BARCELONA)

United Kingdom

UK Branch

Tel. +44 (0) 7980 624 059

Maple Barn, 12 The Lodge, Rickmansworth Road, Harefield

Middlesex, UB9 6JY LONDON

south africa

South Africa Branch

Tel. +27 746 478594

Beaulieu Office Park 1 Stallion Road

Crowthorne 1684 JOHANNESBURG